陳琇玟 Hsiu-Wen Chen



台灣神學院宗教文學碩士—主修教會音樂、合唱指揮;美國杜坎大學音樂碩士—主修聖樂、管風琴;另於美國U.S.C.進修音樂史、曲式學,於Emory University進修禮拜學、聖詩學、合唱曲目學、管風琴即興法,於Westminster choir college和UCLA進修合唱指揮。


1999年起參與台灣基督長老教會新《聖詩》編輯 (2009年台語版出版),目前持續參與華語聖詩翻譯。2010-2015年擔任台灣基督長老教會總會「教會禮拜與音樂委員會」主委,2015年為總會設計15000人參與的150周年宣教感恩禮拜。


2017年出版《立足聖道的創意禮拜/Creative Worship Rooted in God’s Word》和《立足聖道的創意禮拜-實用手冊/A guide to Creative Worship Rooted in God’s Word》。


Current faculty position

Associate professor of Taiwan Graduate School of Theology


Philosophy of church music, worship design and leadership training, ecumenical church music, application of music in worship, church music history, spirituality formation through the sacred music, chapel choir.

Responsible for the worship design in the Taiwan Theological Seminary for many years.


  • Master of Arts, Taiwan Theological Seminary〜Major in Church Music with an emphasis in choral conducting.
  • Master of Music, Duquesne University, U.S.〜Major in Sacred Music with an emphasis in organ performance.
  • Advanced study
  • University of South Carolina〜Music history, Musical forms & Analysis
  • Emory University〜Hymnology, choral literature, organ improvisation
  • Westminster Choir College〜choral conducting
  • UCLA〜choral conducting

 Professional activities

Since 1999, involved in the editing of the Hymnal(Taiwanese version published in 2009)of the Taiwan Presbyterian Church, and working on the translation of the Mandarin version continuously, will be published in 2019.

In 2010-2015, served as the chair of the Worship and Music Committee, Taiwan Presbyterian Church.

In 2015, design the 150th mission to Taiwan Anniversary thanksgiving service, with 15000 attendees, for General Assembly, Taiwan Presbyterian Church.

President of Taiwan Christian Church Music Ministry Association, hosting cross-denomination choir workshop, forum for worship and music, designing worship for local and foreign Christian organizations or universities, as invited speaker to seminaries or churches in Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, China and U.S.


《Creative Worship Rooted in God’s Word》and《A guide to Creative Worship Rooted in God’s Word, 2017.


邱慧丽 Khoo Hooi Lay



邱慧丽是一名热衷音乐,受过严谨音乐培训的音乐家。在陈岳凤女士的指导下,她在1983年间以优异的成绩完成了皇家音乐学校(The Associated Board of the Royal School of Music)的基本声乐训练。过后,她向钢琴家Joe Emuang先生学习钢琴,考获英国三一音乐学院的钢琴演奏文凭。然后她到澳洲的南澳音乐学院深造. 在阿德雷得市,她获得南澳音乐学院最杰出学士的年度奖赏及南澳政府颁发的声乐奖学金。过后,她到德国继续深造。在Detmold Musikhochschule主修声乐和钢琴演奏。从1993年到1996年,他在慕尼黑和巴黎参与音乐大师Sergiu Celibidache的大师级课程,在室内音乐方面,向德国及法国的音乐大师Konrald von Abbe取经。2000年,她回到法国及德国继续深造指挥及声乐。

邱慧丽曾经参演歌剧“胡蝶夫人”(Madame Butterfly)。“匈牙利的公主“(The Czardas.Princess),”炽热的天使“(The Fiery Angel),“魔笛“(The Magic Flute),“塞维尔的理发师”(The Barber of Seville,),“茶花女“(La Traviata)及“Hansel and Gretel”等演出。她也时常在澳洲和德国的音乐会里担任独唱。


从德国回来后,邱慧丽担任槟城交响乐团及合唱团的声乐指导及合唱指挥。在2010和2011年,她组织The Messengers及 Synergy合唱团。在她的带领下,合唱团曾远赴澳洲及亚洲国家参加国际合唱交流会及合唱比赛。她也经常参加世界合唱音乐研讨会。

除了合唱活动,邱慧丽多次被邀请担任马来西亚及新加坡两地的全国艺术歌曲独唱比赛评委。 她也受到古晋国际音乐和艺术节, UCSI大学, 大马乐团(DAMA  Orchestra)及世界华人基督教圣乐促進会的邀请,指导合唱培训营。

最近,邱慧丽受委为马来西亚促进亚洲文化的代表之一(The Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion) 

School of Music at the South Australian College of Advanced Education, where she majored in Music (Performance) undertaking a Major Study in Voice. She was awarded the South Australian Government Vocal Scholarship and the Pro Musica Award (an annual award to the most outstanding Bachelor of Music student).

She further her musical training in Germany where she majored in Voice and Pianoforte at the Detmold Musikhochschule. From 1993 to 1996, she participated in Lectures and Master Classes conducted by Maestro Sergiu Celibidache in Munich and Paris, and in Chamber Music and Conducting Master Classes conducted by Konrad von Abbe in Germany and France. In year 2000, she went back to France and Germany for advanced conducting and vocal training.

Professionally, she has participated in the productions of Madame Butterfly, The Czardas Princess and The Fiery Angel as well as portraying the role of Berta in Barossa, Papagena in The Magic Flute, Berta in The Barber of Seville, Hansel in Hansel and Gretel and Flora in La Traviata. She also frequently performed as a soloist in Australia and Germany.

She was the first singer to win overall winner for three consecutive years in the Malaysian Classical Singing Competitions as well as numerous prizes and awards in several singing competitions in Asia and Australia.

After returning from Germany, she was appointed the choral conductor of the Penang State Symphony Orchestra and Chorus. In 2010 and 2011, The Messengers, a sacred choir, and Synergy Choir were formed. Choirs under her direction went for international choir exchange and competition in Europe and Asia. These choirs won prizes nationally and internationally. She attended World Symposium on Choral Music regularly.

Other than choral activities, she has been invited several times to be the judge in the Malaysian National Classical Solo Singing Competition and Singporean National Classical Solo Singing Competition. She was invited by UCSI, DAMA Orchestra and WACCM to give choral workshops.

Recently, she was appointed to be one of the governors of Malaysia in the Federation For Asian Cultural Promotion.